Organic Gardening When Birds Are Eating Your Plants
What Do You Do When
Birds Are Eating Your Plants?
Well there's a practical problem for every gardener - organic or not.
And the solution pictured left - putting a bird scarer on a beautiful ornamental plant - isn't exactly pretty. Heaven forbid that we would need to put a net over our whole garden.
Yet small sparrows are pecking away at the leaves and flower buds on this ornate shrub. It's a Berberis 'Helmond Pillar' probably named after Helmond in Afghanistan and quite a beautiful site over a long season.
However the sparrows that usually grub around the dirt looking for seeds and chaff are eating it. The plant must be very attractive for them as they go climbing and perching amongst its branches.
Silver Bird Scarer Works But Doesn't Look Good?
Sure enough it is being damaged and this will be serious if nothing is done. As a temporary measure I've hung this odd looking silver tray in the branches. That will keep the birds away. But I can't go hanging them everywhere. So what else is there? I have 3 suggestions.
Well my first thought is to provide alternative food. Stuff that is more attractive to these seed eating birds. And there's plenty on offer.
The Royal Society For The Protection Of Birds Says: "Avoid using peanuts, fat and bread at this time (late spring/summer), since these can be harmful if adult birds feed them to their nestlings."
And I suggest that you keep bird food confined to a small place such as a patio where any crumbs can be easily brushed up. Why is it necessary to tell the birds not to spill their food all over the place? I don't know. But while were on the subject, I should note that providing water is even more important for the birds themselves. My Berberis is near to a pond.
The problem with adding bird food is that it will probably bring in even more birds to the garden. So are there any more organic pest protection methods?
Tell Me If Bird Scarer Tape Works!
So let me ask your advice about this organic bird deterrant - scare tape. I've seen it in 2 kinds. One that flashes red and white and crackles as it flutters in the breeze. Huh! I've also seen reports that it won't deter geese. But I understand there is another version on the market that works by sound alone.
I haven't tried these as I simply don't like to put up anything that makes the birds feel that uncomfortable in my garden. Indeed as an organic gardener I look to encourage them naturally, except when they eat my crops. That's pigeons on the green leaf beds and blackbirds on the fruit. Netting does the trick for crops. There's also legislation to prevent you disturbing listed birds. So do use this link to let me know if you have any experience of scarer tape.
Ornamental Scarer - At Least It Looks Good
Here's another suggestion for the ornamental garden. An ornamental bird scarer that moves. I know it's an object rather than a plant.
But it's also a beautifully crafted garden ornament that should scare your birds away from those special plants. I think these moving ornaments could actually add to the appearance of your special garden plants. There are 2 styles of scarer for U.K. & American gardeners. Find them on my page - just click here.
Birds Are Eating Your Plants?
Well there's a practical problem for every gardener - organic or not.

And the solution pictured left - putting a bird scarer on a beautiful ornamental plant - isn't exactly pretty. Heaven forbid that we would need to put a net over our whole garden.
Yet small sparrows are pecking away at the leaves and flower buds on this ornate shrub. It's a Berberis 'Helmond Pillar' probably named after Helmond in Afghanistan and quite a beautiful site over a long season.
However the sparrows that usually grub around the dirt looking for seeds and chaff are eating it. The plant must be very attractive for them as they go climbing and perching amongst its branches.
Silver Bird Scarer Works But Doesn't Look Good?
Sure enough it is being damaged and this will be serious if nothing is done. As a temporary measure I've hung this odd looking silver tray in the branches. That will keep the birds away. But I can't go hanging them everywhere. So what else is there? I have 3 suggestions.
Well my first thought is to provide alternative food. Stuff that is more attractive to these seed eating birds. And there's plenty on offer.
The Royal Society For The Protection Of Birds Says: "Avoid using peanuts, fat and bread at this time (late spring/summer), since these can be harmful if adult birds feed them to their nestlings."
And I suggest that you keep bird food confined to a small place such as a patio where any crumbs can be easily brushed up. Why is it necessary to tell the birds not to spill their food all over the place? I don't know. But while were on the subject, I should note that providing water is even more important for the birds themselves. My Berberis is near to a pond.
The problem with adding bird food is that it will probably bring in even more birds to the garden. So are there any more organic pest protection methods?
Tell Me If Bird Scarer Tape Works!
So let me ask your advice about this organic bird deterrant - scare tape. I've seen it in 2 kinds. One that flashes red and white and crackles as it flutters in the breeze. Huh! I've also seen reports that it won't deter geese. But I understand there is another version on the market that works by sound alone.
I haven't tried these as I simply don't like to put up anything that makes the birds feel that uncomfortable in my garden. Indeed as an organic gardener I look to encourage them naturally, except when they eat my crops. That's pigeons on the green leaf beds and blackbirds on the fruit. Netting does the trick for crops. There's also legislation to prevent you disturbing listed birds. So do use this link to let me know if you have any experience of scarer tape.
Ornamental Scarer - At Least It Looks Good
Here's another suggestion for the ornamental garden. An ornamental bird scarer that moves. I know it's an object rather than a plant.
But it's also a beautifully crafted garden ornament that should scare your birds away from those special plants. I think these moving ornaments could actually add to the appearance of your special garden plants. There are 2 styles of scarer for U.K. & American gardeners. Find them on my page - just click here.
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