Blog of The Organic Gardener

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I took my bicycle for a ride to the local mere yesterday. By the time I got there, I may as well of jumped in too, as it had started to rain and I had left my water proofs behind. Circles rippled on the water's surface. The seagulls and the coot were oblivious to it. But ducks and geese were no where to be seen.

I ate a piece of Christmas cake that I'd brought - the birds will not have any I decided. Then I discovered that the man I had passed earlier on the road was nearby also eating his Christmas cake while sheltering under a tree.

Time to go: I rolled downhill to the bridge and over the brook. The noble trees towering around the road gave good shelter. The clinging green Ivy is fruiting.

However, after climbing the next hill the way crossed open fields. My hands began to ache severely in the wet cold air. I had no gloves either. Doggedly on I pushed out into the countryside for 6 or 7 minutes. I had a cold coming on that left me reaching for tissues. The way back led past the local golf links. With not a soul about, all was strangely hushed and very still.

Then the challenge was a long run down to pedal all the way up the steeper hill beyond. I took care on the wet road not to lean the bike into right turns where the camber provides less grip. I had learned to lean forward and steer rather than pull back as if a crash was imminent. Then I power up the other side at a good speed while changing down gears and following a smoothly controlled line near the curb. If only this precision was an olympic sport.

Did that feel better than last time? At the top; wow, that felt better. That exercise will set me up for the whole day. I know from taking blood sugar tests that its effect continues for many hours afterwards. Its just what I need when on holiday and after Christmas festivities.

Home was in sight, and although it felt prudent to make haste, the pain of cold was long forgotten. It had been a bit of a stretch to face down the weather and the distance, and on this simple journey - to do small things well.

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